Jenine Waters
It’s important to recognise that the most constant thing about business is change and that no business is immune to the risks that change presents to an organisation. From losing top-level organisational knowledge to the escalation of internal power struggles that result in a negative emotional and cultural impact across the entire organisation, failing to implement a clear succession plan can expose a business to unnecessary risk. This is especially important where leadership and business-critical roles are involved.
Our team of People Advisory specialists provide advice on all aspects of leadership and succession planning, providing you with peace of mind that your new leadership team is just that - the right leaders for your organisation. BDO's succession planning services for businesses include:
As part of the succession planning process and establishment of new leadership within your organisation, our team can also help with the recruitment and selection of your next key hire.
BDO also has business planning specialists who can assist with succession planning for family businesses to ensure the next generation is ready to take control and achieve a suitable balance between the needs of your family and your business.
Contact us
Contact our team to discuss your needs using the request for service form.
Alternatively, call 1300 138 991 to speak with an adviser in your nearest BDO office.
Jenine Waters
Joanna Georgalis
Julianne Kennedy
Scott Way
Vanessa Vaillant