Initial Public Offering for WA Kaolin Limited

$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.DealType$$Capital markets
$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.Industry$$Natural resources & Energy
$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.SubIndustry$$Natural resources
$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.ClientName$$WA Kaolin Limited

WA Kaolin Limited (ASX:WAK) is an Australian-owned and operated mineral exploration, extraction and processing company that has an established resource of extremely high grade, easy access kaolin at a site near Wickepin, 220km southeast of Perth, Western Australia. The company was seeking to raise capital through an initial public offering, to fund the development of its Wickepin project.

BDO was engaged by WA Kaolin to perform the Independent Accountant, Independent Tax Adviser and Auditor roles for their IPO on the Australian Securities Exchange. WA Kaolin Limited successfully listed on the ASX on 26 November 2020, raising A$22 million, making it the largest amount raised in a Natural Resources IPO on the ASX in 2020.

Our WA Kaolin team engaged with leading industry experts to advise us through the IPO process. We selected the best providers in the business, which included BDO who seamlessly and professionally took care of the accounting work for us.