Cairns Corporate Tower
Level 1, 15 Lake Street
Cairns, QLD, 4870, Australia
Phone:+61 7 4046 0000
Postal address
P.O. Box PO Box 6771
Cairns, QLD, 4870Australia
Cairns is located in a beautiful part of Far North Queensland - a unique region with a diverse range of industries. BDO (NTH QLD) is the largest full-service accounting firm in North Queensland and has been in business in the region since 1906. With this history, our team of local experts understands the unique opportunities and challenges of operating a successful business in regional Queensland.
We understand that each client and business is different. As a full-service firm, we offer a wide range of professional services, with the flexibility to meet your needs as they evolve. Our business, accounting, tax, audit and advisory services cater to every part of the business lifecycle, from regional market entry through to growth and succession activities.
Our team works proactively with you on practical solutions and positive outcomes for your business, and our partner-led approach creates a greater sense of trust through stronger, personal relationships. We treat your businesses as our own and take pride in the work we do for you. We are especially proud that our team has extensive experience working with First Nations communities, organisations and businesses across Australia.
BDO acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the Lands on which our business operates and the Lands throughout Australia. We pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past and present. We thank them for allowing us to work, live and raise our families on their beautiful country.
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Cairns Corporate Tower
Level 1, 15 Lake Street
Cairns, QLD, 4870, Australia
Phone:+61 7 4046 0000
Postal address
P.O. Box PO Box 6771
Cairns, QLD, 4870Australia
Todd Kelly
Greg Mitchell
Ann Stratikopoulos
Benjamin Schierhuber
Eric Olufson
James Gaustad
James Wauch
Joanne Johnston
Lindsay Head
Mandy Mellor
Margaret Dewhurst
Michael Steele
Our northern offices have worked with First Nations communities, organisations and businesses throughout Australia. BDO (NTH QLD) has extensive experience working with Indigenous communities, organisations and businesses, including in remote areas, promoting mutually respectful and genuine two-way relationships of shared significance.
Our team brings a wealth of experience, including high-level program development, strategic, corporate and organisational planning, economic development and community consultation. Our specialties also include industry and regional economic development, organisational and government feasibility studies and reviews, investigations and financial literacy and governance training. Our services include:
Talk to our team to find out how we can assist.
BDO (NTH QLD) understand that First Nations people are strong and resilient and continue to promote their culture in a shared sense of national unity and identity in the community. We are proud supporters of a variety of organisations that strengthen the growth of Indigenous communities, businesses and youth, today and for future generations.
In conjunction with local Elders, BDO (NTH QLD) has undertaken various forms of Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training. Outside of formal settings, we also appreciate the opportunity to simply sit with Elders and others in the community, listening and learning about Australia’s oldest culture. Our team continues to learn and grow with these engagements and welcomes every opportunity to do so, building trust and friendship along the way with Traditional Owners.
As well as attending First Nations events and functions, we also host our own events to increase our understanding. Whilst we share experiences with our existing Indigenous business clients, we are also ensuring that we become better aware of other local Indigenous businesses that we can engage with.
We actively seek pathways for First Nations students to gain employment, such as attending and presenting at schools; talking with Indigenous employment agencies about potential opportunities; and engaging with local universities to connect with First Nations students studying in accounting and business. We also seek opportunities to support our current staff with personal and professional growth.
BDO (NTH QLD) regularly engage with Traditional Owners for guidance and valuable support in specific areas and engage their time as consultants on assignments.
BDO (NTH QLD) understands the importance of reconciliation and we are mindful of this occurring in a mutually respectful and genuine way. In addition to many forms of Cultural Awareness Training that we have undertaken, we have completed our Reflect RAP, and are now working through our Innovate RAP.
Download the 2024 - 2026 Innovate RAP (3.64MB).
Download our RAP Reflect (5.32MB PDF).
As part of our RAP journey, local artist, Susan Reys, painted for us the artistry pictured. We are very appreciative of this beautiful piece of art that reflects our story and our connection to our people, clients and community, and we are proud to display the original painting in the reception of our Cairns office.
Artist, Susan Reys, spent some time in our office to gain an understanding of our business, our people and our values. Susan created an artwork that depicts our nine Partners and their strong historical connection or roots into our community.
The Bukul vine represents Henrietta Marrie, local elder and academic, who has been our mentor and guide. The leaves on the Bukul vine represent the knowledge and wisdom received from Henrietta as well as that which our experts share with clients in our region. The cassowary footprints represent guidance. Guidance received throughout our Reconciliation journey and also the guidance that we provide to our clients.
BDO’s five values: ONE, BOLD, HUMAN, STRIVE and HEART are depicted in red, through the centre of the artwork. Susan has incorporated the icons into her design. The colours, BDO’s corporate colours, represent the lands throughout our region. Gold and Burgundy for the outback, Emerald for the rainforest, Ocean for the Reef and Red for our people and our firm. Finally, the Water Lilies are representative of the Indigenous name of our very own Nareeta Davis. Nareeta was given her Indigenous name by the late Oodegeroo Noonuccal, an Indigenous Australian political activist, artist and educator.
Susan Reys was born and raised in Cairns with her parents Diana (nee Barnes) and Stephen Stanley Reys who was a member of the Jirrbal cultural group. On her mother’s side through her grandmother Eva Sweetland Coates, Susan is a descendant of the Butchulla people (aka Batdjala) who were forcibly removed from K’gari (Fraser Island) to Yarrabah in 1904, and her grandfather Charles Sweetland Coates was a Guugu Yimithirr man from the Daarrba clan around the Morgan River. Her Indigenous name given to her is Duliny which means Owl. Susan’s totems are the Waandaar (White Cockatoo) and Dolphin. She is privileged to know her family history and bloodline and to continue her people’s ancient tradition of painting and storytelling from her home studio where she works with stoneware glazes, textile designs and canvas paintings.
Susan has been producing and exhibiting her artwork since 2001 and has opened ‘K’gari 3 Sisters’ Aboriginal Art gallery in Cairns with fellow artist, Hendrick Fourmile. During 2003 to 2006 Susan also taught Indigenous art and design at Kangan Batman TAFE College in Victoria. Susan describes her artwork as “An expression of my Aboriginality, identity, history and new understandings in my journey in life through oil and acrylic paint; and clay.”
“To hear and nurture with compassion artwork does not stand alone. It is entwined with an acrylic painting Reflect: A journey of reconciliation that was commissioned in 2019 depicting a story of when BDO begins to share their journey in making a commitment towards the reconciliation of First Nations People in Australia and the land in which they work and live. We meet again. I feel so welcome and safe in this space. I listen deeply to the stories shared around the table. What do I hear?
The Partners share their ways of doing, being and seeing. I could hear compassion and wisdom. My spirit feels a gentleness of mothers embrace as he said, I’ve learnt so much from our Elders, in this instance, Henrietta Marrie AM and friend Nareeta Davis. I’ve learnt Reconciliation is not just about celebrating First Nations People during NAIDOC. Our approach is celebrating First Nations People every day.
Whilst listening to these stories I instantly felt what this artwork would look like and represent. It’s a very tall ceramic vessel, a nurturing womanly figure. A sturdy wide base, full body with robust shoulders. Its curves are wavey and continuous. The fingerprint design around the leaves of strength and wisdom are representative of BDO’s commitment and determination to be innovative and with an everlasting imprint of a hands-on approach of compassion and action for change and brighter futures. Innovation. I’ve tried many times to throw a 60 cm tall vessel but failed. This instance provided me the opportunity to keep trying.
When we don’t have the tools and skills, but we want to create and change, we must keep trying. We must practice and apply ourselves to overcome the obstacles and challenges presented before us. This is the very principle of BDO in their Innovate RAP. We need to deeply listen. As a service provider we need compassion and wisdom and apply innovative ways to create brighter futures for our First Nations People.
I’m very protective and gentle with this creation. I tread steadily and cocoon her on my lap as a mother would supporting and nurturing her infant, as I adorn this form with markings symbolising a healthy environment surrounded in principles of listening, growth, wisdom, and opportunity.”
- Artist: Susan Duliny Reys
BDO has a strong commitment to supporting the local community and fostering opportunities for development across the region. We do this through genuine relationships established across all areas of our community. We are proud supporters of a variety of organisations that strengthen the growth of communities, businesses and youth, today and for future generations.
"BDO (NTH QLD) and Cairns Hockey Aspire to be Deadly have created and developed a strong community collaboration assisting and supporting the Live Well Learn Well Lead Well outcomes. These collaborations reflect a strong commitment to advancing programs that support Indigenous young women and girls across well-being, education, career opportunities, leadership, and empowerment programs.
Cairns Hockey’s Aspire to be Deadly program has created opportunities where BDO (NTH QLD) can be introduced to young people, including Indigenous young women and girls, and share information around future career choices, support, and mentoring. Access to role modelling has also been included in the collaborations and together both organisations' respective programs have become stronger.
Cairns Hockey is appreciative of BDO (NTH QLD)'s partnership over many years and is excited to see the strengthening of this partnership in future years."
Julie McNeil, CEO Aspire Cairns Community
FNQHF is a non-profit charitable organisation assisting health services across Far North Queensland. BDO has partnered with FNQHF to support the BDO Arrow Experience, which brings the community together to raise funds to improve healthcare and patient outcomes in North Queensland. Since 2022, the BDO Arrow Experience has raised more than $262,000. During this time, funds raised from this initiative have contributed to purchasing a second set of Neoprobes for breast cancer and melanoma patients at the Cairns Hospital, as well as supporting the Foundation’s Cancer Care Hub. Additionally, there is an ongoing fundraising campaign for the acquisition of a surgical robot for the Cairns Hospital - Donate for DaNI.
Founded in 2016 by a group of empowered young people, DIYDG is a youth-led organisation aiming to inspire, equip and empower the next generation. DIYDG hold a weekly event ‘Good Vibrations’, that builds safe environments in a culture that enables young people to explore themselves, build positive peer connections, develop support structures that are both personal and professional and to always provide a space where young people belong.
BDO (NTH QLD) is proud to have sponsored their inaugural NAIDOC Week event – Good Vibrations Ultimate Games Night, youth wellbeing camps that allow First Nations youth to make positive peer connections through being able to be on Country as part of these 3-day camps, and our BDO Ten Pin Bowling night.
View available opportunities or visit Careers for more information.