Merger of Robert Bird Group

$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.DealType$$M&A & Transaction Services
$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.ClientName$$Robert Bird Group

Robert Bird Group is a Brisbane based engineering firm with revenue of $100 million and 600 staff across more than 10 offices around the globe. The group was founded by Robert Bird in 1982 and offers consulting engineering services across five disciplines within built environment including structural engineering, civil engineering, construction engineering, geotechnical engineering and digital engineering.

Robert Bird Group has been a long standing client of BDO. BDO managed the successful merge of Robert Bird Group with Surbana Jurong. BDO’s role included:

  • Managing the due diligence process
  • Assistance with all taxation and accounting matters
  • Providing advice on commercial and financial structuring issues
  • Managing and leading negotiations
  • Providing input into the sale and purchase agreement and other necessary legal documents
  • Other sundry matters as required to complete the transaction.