Employer Superannuation & Employment Tax Obligations

As an employer, do you understand the superannuation obligations you are required to satisfy on behalf of your employees? Compulsory superannuation guarantee requires employers to pay superannuation for almost all workers on some or all of their income.

Additionally, income tax needs to be withheld at source and, depending on the location and size of the business, state based payroll taxes also need to be paid.

How BDO can help

Our Payroll Advisory team can assist employers with their employee superannuation obligations, including:

  • Payroll configuration: Assess whether payroll is configured to satisfy statutory superannuation and taxation obligations
  • Superannuation reviews: Review employee data to attest whether appropriate superannuation amounts have been paid
  • Superannuation guarantee remediation: Correct underpayments via ATO voluntary disclosure and work through the SGC reporting process
  • ATO and SRO Audits: Support clients with effective responses to audits and investigations, and work to minimise penalties.

If you would like to find out more about your business’ employer superannuation obligations, contact the team at BDO today.

Contact us

Contact our team to discuss your needs using the request for service form.
Alternatively, call 1300 138 991 to speak with an adviser in your nearest BDO office.

Meet our team

Ben Renshaw smiles at the camera

Ben Renshaw

National Leader, Payroll Advisory
Partner, People Advisory, Global Expatriate Services & Employment Taxes
View profile