How BDO can help
Our clients commission us to provide a view on the value of a business for a variety of reasons including:
- Mergers, acquisitions, and other corporate transactions
- Investment valuations
- Corporate re-structuring
- Management buy-in and other shareholder disputes.
In each situation, our valuation experts develop a thorough understanding of the business in order to build a detailed picture of its underlying drivers of value at both a macro and micro level. We use this knowledge to guide our valuation modelling in the context of the available market evidence.
We use commonly accepted valuation methods - typically capitalised multiples of earnings and discounted cash-flow models - with a critical part of the process being the cross-check of the results derived from one method against those derived from another, where applicable. The end goal is to produce a highly robust valuation that stands up to external scrutiny.
We work with all sizes of business from large multinational corporations through to owner-managed businesses.