I/O Psychology

BDO's Industrial & Organisational Psychology team are qualified psychologists who understand people, culture, structures and staff. Our team contributes to your organisation’s success by improving the performance, motivation, job satisfaction and the overall health and well-being of your employees. We work closely with you to develop individuals, teams, divisions and organisations as a whole.

How BDO can help

The services we offer include:

  • Organisation review and development - involves reviewing and enhancing the operating systems of an organisation
  • Workshop facilitation - facilitate a wide variety of workshops for clients where an independent and unbiased coordinator is required
  • Manager and staff training - improve the performance and skills of managers and staff
  • Team development - produce extraordinary benefits for those prepared to ‘go the distance’
  • Organisational research - undertake customer and organisational research activities including employee engagement, satisfaction and customer surveys
  • Individual development - psychological testing to assist organisations with staff selection, promotion, recruitment, vocational guidance and development
  • Performance and quality improvement - enhance the focus on delivering better products, services and performance to internal and external users
  • Strategic and business planning - facilitate a series of processes and activities that draw together information to produce practical strategic business plans
  • Integrity testing - profile candidates using rigorous psychometric assessment tools for roles involving working with children to assess suitability and job fit (DCP approved provider)
  • Australian Services Excellence Standard accreditation - undertake all ASES external assessments, working with client organisations to minimise the disruption of the assessment process while maximising its benefits (more information on our accreditation is below).

We provide a framework to help develop practical strategic business plans, drive service and performance, increase engagement, streamline policies, practices and operational systems resulting in an organisation which benefits all.

I/O psychology workplace approach

Our approach involves working in a collaborative manner with all our clients. We pride ourselves on developing and delivering tailored solutions that suit the unique needs of each and every organisation, team and individual we work with.

If you would like to know more about how our Industrial & Organisational Psychology team could play a role in the greater engagement and cohesiveness of your people, contact us today.

ASES accreditation

BDO is an approved Australian Services Excellence Standards (ASES) auditor. This internationally accredited quality framework is primarily intended for organisations in the health and welfare sector, but is equally applicable to all firms looking to strengthen their operations and deliver better products and services.

Achieving ASES accreditation signals your organisation is worthy of ongoing funding and support. The discipline of achieving the standards and undergoing an independent review is also a valuable service and quality improvement process to help build and strengthen your organisation.

As a qualified ASES External Assessor, our Industrial & Organisational Psychology (I&OP) team, led by Scott Way, ensures a simple and easy road to your accreditation.

An ASES assessor for the past 10 years, Scott has provided ASES supports to organisations in the housing, homeless, community and welfare sectors.

Scott directly undertakes all ASES external assessments, working with client organisations to minimise the disruption of the assessment process while maximising its benefits.  He sees ASES as not only a compliance process, but a valuable framework to guide the shaping of systems and practices that ensure the provision of consistent quality service to clients and stakeholders.

As an organisational psychologist with more than 30 years’ experience, Scott can help you to maintain certificate or award level accreditation and build a better business.

For more information on I&OP, contact Scott Way.

BDO is an approved Australian Service Excellence Standards (ASES) assessor

Contact us

Contact our team to discuss your needs using the request for service form.
Alternatively, call 1300 138 991 to speak with an adviser in your nearest BDO office.

Scott Way

Scott Way

Director, Industrial & Organisational Psychology
View profile