Yusra Neeamuth Ramputty

Yusra Neeamuth Ramputty

Director, Risk Advisory Services

Risk Advisory Services


Yusra is a Director in our Risk Advisory team at BDO Sydney, focussing on Risk Assurance and Internal Audit services. She has over 15 years of experience overseas working in counties both in Africa and the Indian Ocean. Yusra joined BDO in March 2022 after having worked in the financial sector for over 10 years.

Quality is key in her work and performing value enhancing audits is a priority. Her strength lies in communication, relationship management and networking with her clients. Yusra firmly believes that value, cost efficiency and profitability can be created for her clients through advisory work that is customised to each client’s needs.

Yusra is a Chartered Accountant and Certified Internal Auditor, she also possess a Certificate in Risk Management Assurance from the Institute of Internal Auditors.


  • Internal audit outsourcing and co-sourcing
  • Risk assurance and Consulting activities
  • Review of Risk Control Self-Assessments (RCSA)
  • Implementation of Internal Audit Methodology
  • Business Risk Assessment development
  • Enterprise Risk Management advisory work
  • Process improvement and Business Improvement reviews
  • SAS70/ISAE 3402 audits
  • Financial controls reviews
  • Legal and Compliance reviews
  • IT audits
  • Fraud investigation


  • Financial Services
  • Not-For-Profit
  • Automotive


  • Bachelor (honors) in Accounting with Business Operations Management
  • Fellow of ACCA Global
  • Certified Internal Auditor, IIA
  • Certificate in Risk Management Assurance, IIA
  • Certificate in Bookkeeping – LCCI UK


  • Member of CA ANZ
  • Member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
  • Member of the Mauritius Institute of Directors
  • Member of the Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountants
  • Professional member of ISACA