James Mooney

James Mooney

Partner, Audit & Assurance

Natural Resources & Energy

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

James is an Audit Partner with BDO in Melbourne and is known for a considered and practical approach to his assignments.

James is an experienced auditor, having worked across the public and private sector, particularly with publicly listed companies. He is a specialist in International Financial Reporting Standards, regularly consulting to clients, as well as presenting on the latest developments. James’ experience extends to the United Kingdom, where he worked with BDO from 2001 to 2002, and he has worked with a number of Australian companies with overseas operations, covering Europe, Africa and Asia, particularly in mainland China. James has completed a number of specialised assignments outside of the audit area, including transaction support, business valuations and due diligence assignments.

James joined BDO in 1995 as a graduate. He became Partner in Melbourne in 2007.


  • External audit
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
  • Due diligence
  • Transaction support


  • Natural Resources
  • Technology, Media & Telecommunications
  • Manufacturing
  • Not-For-Profit

Qualifications and affiliations

  • Bachelor of Business
  • Registered Company Auditor
  • Member, CA ANZ