We have a long history working with infrastructure clients, such as ports, airports, rail and utilities. We frequently collaborate on infrastructure projects with experts from BDO’s Project & Infrastructure Advisory team.
The scope of our social and economic research projects in this sector can be summarised as:
- Socioeconomic impact studies to support infrastructure approvals
- Cost-benefit analysis of proposed infrastructure investments
- Freight demand forecasting
- Supply-chain cost analysis and scenario modelling.
Learn more about some of our transport and infrastructure projects:
Cost benefit analysis of the Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme
Client: SA Water
Summary: SA Water undertook a procurement process to identify the preferred developer of a horticultural enterprise on the Northern Adelaide Plains, to utilise 20 GL of recycled water from the Bolivar wastewater treatment plant. Following a two-stage process - Expression of Interest and Select Request for Proposal - a proponent was selected and required to undertake a feasibility study, to provide additional information for their proposal for a large scale greenhouse. The elements of the Feasibility Study included: Market assessment and strategy, business viability, and water supply trunk infrastructure requirements.
SA Water engaged BDO to assist the project evaluation team to appropriately consider and evaluate the market assessment information contained in the business viability element of the feasibility study.
Kangaroo Island Airport Expansion
Client: Kangaroo Island Council
Summary: The Kangaroo Island Council was seeking funding to expand the airport on the island. The economy of Kangaroo Island is largely based on agriculture, tourism and fishing. These key economic drivers are supported by a range of service industries, including services to agriculture, accommodation and business services. The Island’s economic base is expanding, with recognition of the potential for increased tourism and with new industries being targeted, including horticulture, aquaculture, sustainable development (e.g. renewable energy, wind farms) and forestry.
The BDO economics team provided economic analysis that supported a successful application for funding to expand the airport under the Australian Government’s National Stronger Regions Fund. The analysis included cost benefit analysis and economic impact analysis.
Socioeconomic Impact Assessment of Project EnergyConnect
Client: JBS&G
Summary: JBS&G engaged BDO, on behalf of ElectraNet, to undertake a socio-economic impact assessment of the South Australian portion of the proposed high capacity interconnector between Robertstown in South Australia and Wagga Wagga in New South Wales (Project EnergyConnect). The assessment involved a baseline profile of regional demographics, economics, tourism and residential property. We then assessed the potential positive and negative impacts of the project.
Potential impacts included increased competition for labour, the effects of in-migration (social disruption, pressure on local services, pressure on local businesses and expansion of local businesses), local housing pressures, local price inflation, increased access to rural properties, disruption of landholder operations, landholder amenity effects, local tourism amenity effects, pressures on social cohesion and community identity, loss of property value and new regional investment.