IPO of Zebit, Inc.

$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.DealType$$Capital markets
$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.Industry$$Financial Services
$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.ClientName$$Zebit, Inc.

Zebit, Inc. (ASX:ZBT) is a U.S. based eCommerce company which offers financially underserved consumers a large selection of products through an alternative buy-now-pay-later payment method. The company completed their listing of CHESS Depository Interests (CDIs) on the Australian Securities Exchange raising AUD35 million.

Zebit is headquartered in San Diego, California with a mission to reinvent how credit is provided to approximately 120 million financially underserved consumers in the U.S.

BDO was engaged by Zebit to perform the Independent Accountant, Independent Tax Advisor and Auditor role for their IPO on the Australian Securities Exchange.