Horizon Power’s investment in West Australian Alternative Energy (WAAE)

$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.DealType$$Transaction Services
$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.Industry$$Natural resources & Energy
$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.SubIndustry$$Renewables & power
$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.ClientName$$Horizon Power

In March 2023, Horizon Power announced its acquisition of 50 per cent share in West Australian Alternative Energy a specialist provider of high quality, commercial-scale solar energy systems.

The rationale for the acquisition was to help the State Government meet its goal of reducing government emissions by 80 percent.

WAAE has completed numerous solar projects for businesses in Perth, rural and regional WA which includes the completion of Horizon Power’s Kalumburu hybrid solar project in 2022.

BDO was engaged by Horizon Power to provide financial due diligence services in relation to the transaction.