Hills Limited’s SIT distribution business sold to Dicker Data

$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.Industry$$Technology & Media
$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.ClientName$$Hills Limited

Hills Limited engaged BDO to divest its security and information technology (SIT) distribution business with Dicker Data successfully acquiring the business for $20 million.

Dicker Data is an ASX-listed technology hardware, software and cloud distributor. The acquisition of the SIT distribution business sees Dicker Data enter the security market with the view of becoming the leader in the access and surveillance market, leveraging the 100+ staff and 50+ vendor contracts novated as part of the transaction.

Led by Mergers and Acquisitions Partner, Tony Schiavello, supported by Director, Silvio Colaluca, and Senior Manager, Lachlan Cantwell, BDO expertly navigated Hills through the complexity of splitting the ASX listed company. This involved taking the SIT distribution business to market and completing the sale to Dicker Data in May 2022, including navigating ASX Listing Rules, Corporations Act, Independent Expert and the shareholder approval process.