Acquisition of Aon Hewitt Financial Advice Pty Limited’s aligned financial advice business

$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.DealType$$Transaction Services
$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.Industry$$Financial Services
$$BDO.LiveSite.Deals.ClientName$$Aon Hewitt Financial Advice Pty Limited

On 30 April 2019, Aon Hewitt Financial Advice Pty Limited announced that its general manager, Jayson Walker, executed a management buyout of its aligned financial advice business for an undisclosed sum.

The acquired business provides comprehensive financial advice to clients through a national network of experienced advisers. The management team has a proven record in terms of managing the business as well as having long-term strategic goals.

Financial Health and Wellbeing Solutions Pty Limited (FH&WS) is a newly formed entity.  Its principal activity is to provide financial advice to individuals through financial planners. FH&WS, with Jayson Walker as its Chief Executive Officer, has an objective to be the adviser of choice for SME business owners and corporate employees, through its national footprint.

BDO Corporate Finance, led by Daniel Coote, provided transaction advisory services to Jayson Walker and FH&WS from the outset of the deal (including indicative valuation and term sheet negotiation), through due diligence and financial modelling, to funding and completion of the transaction.

The challenges of undertaking a Management Buyout are wide and varied. So, having a team of professionals such as BDO lead by Daniel Coote support us was very comforting. Not only did Daniel and his team deliver on the areas of focus they had been engaged to advise on, they went above and beyond to bring a suite of BDO expertise and third party solution providers to take the transaction from concept to completion, execution and post-sale implementation.

From this experience we have subsequently requested Daniel to support our future growth aspirations through the lense of our M&A agenda.