Previous Accounting News articles have highlighted some of the complexities associated with measuring right-of-use (ROU) assets and lease liabilities of lessees. However, preparers should also bear in mind that there are many new disclosures required by lessees, and that first time around, these may take a significant amount of time to prepare. While this article does not cover all disclosures required by lessees, we endeavour to highlight some important aspects you may not yet have considered.
Please refer to our eLearning materials on the presentation requirements for lessees in the statement of financial position, statement of comprehensive income and statement of cash flows. In particular, preparers should note the treatment of lease payments in the cash flow statement because this may be different from your previous practice.
The lessee disclosures required by IFRS 16 Leases, paragraphs 51 to 60A cover all aspects of leasing, including: ROU assets; lease liabilities; income statement impacts (such as interest on lease liabilities and amortisation of ROU assets, variable lease payments etc.); and general information about the lessee’s leasing activities.
The following information is required to be disclosed in a tabular format, unless another format is more appropriate. A reconciliation format would not be suitable as much of this information is unrelated, but a table/columnar format is more appropriate than burying this amongst detailed narrative information.
IFRS 16, paragraph 53
Also note:
IFRS 16, paragraph 53(g) requires disclosure of the ‘total cash outflow for leases’. This is not simply the amount shown for lease payments as part of ‘financing activities’ in the cash flow statement, which includes only principal repayments. When preparing this disclosure, you will need to sum up all of the following:
Cash flows | Type of payments |
Financing activities |
Operating activities |
A maturity analysis is required to be disclosed for lease liabilities, and must be presented separately from the maturity analysis required for liquidity risk disclosures under IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures. However, the same principles apply as for IFRS 7, including that commitments include gross cash flows (i.e. not discounted).
An area that is likely to involve some work because numbers will not flow out of any pre-existing lease models is the requirement in IFRS 16, paragraph 59(b) to disclose qualitative and quantitative information about the lessee’s leasing activities, which includes, but is not limited to, information that helps users of financial statements assess future cash outflows to which the lessee is potentially exposed that are not reflected in the measurement of lease liabilities.
Extract of IFRS 16, paragraph 59
IFRS 16, paragraphs B49, B50 and B51 provide guidance on what is expected to meet the requirements of paragraph 59(b).
BDO Global’s IFRS Illustrative Financial Statements show one potential way that these disclosures may be presented. These are extracted below.
Variable lease payments (note 15 - page 129)
Refer detailed disclosures in IFRS 16, paragraph B49
Nature of leasing activities (in the capacity as lessee)
The group leases a number of properties in the jurisdictions from which it operates. In some jurisdictions it is customary for lease contracts to provide for payments to increase each year by inflation or and in others to be reset periodically to market rental rates. In some jurisdictions property leases the periodic rent is fixed over the lease term.
The group also leases certain items of plant and equipment. In some contracts for services with distributors, those contracts contain a lease of vehicles. Leases of plant, equipment and vehicles comprise only fixed payments over the lease terms.
The percentages in the table below reflect the current proportions of lease payments that are either fixed or variable. The sensitivity reflects the impact on the carrying amount of lease liabilities and right-of-use assets if there was an uplift of 5% on the balance sheet date to lease payments that are variable.
31 December 2019 |
Lease Contracts |
Fixed payments |
Variable payments |
Sensitivity |
Number |
% |
% |
CU'000 |
Property leases with payments linked to inflation |
3 |
- |
25% |
±495 |
Property leases with periodic uplifts to market rentals |
6 |
- |
40% |
±791 |
Property leases with fixed payments |
2 |
15% |
- |
- |
Leases of plant and equipment |
46 |
17% |
- |
- |
Vehicle leases |
3 |
3% |
- |
- |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
60 |
35% |
65% |
±1,286 |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
_______ |
Extension and termination options (note 15 - page 131)
Refer detailed disclosures in IFRS 16, paragraph B50
The group sometimes negotiates break clauses in its property leases. On a case-by-case basis, the group will consider whether the absence of a break clause would exposes the group to excessive risk. Typically factors considered in deciding to negotiate a break clause include:
At 31 December 2019 the carrying amounts of lease liabilities are not reduced by the amount of payments that would be avoided from exercising break clauses because on both dates it was considered reasonably certain that the group would not exercise its right to exercise any right to break the lease. Total lease payments of CU 1,250,000 (2018 – CU 1,125,000) are potentially avoidable were the group to exercise break clauses at the earliest opportunity.
Residual value guarantees (note 15 - page 131)
Refer detailed disclosures in IFRS 16, paragraph B51
One of the contracts that the group has with a distributor conveys to the Group the right to use certain vehicles for the contractual term. The Group agreed to the inclusion of a residual value guarantee in favour of the supplier. This is because the pricing of the contract does not result in the group having to pay full fair value of the vehicles, but as those vehicles are under the Group’s control, the Group is able to use the vehicles to such an extent that they would have little value to the supplier at the end of the lease term. The alternative would have been to restrict the mileage use of the vehicles over the lease term, but the Group did not wish to be operationally restricted on its ability to use the vehicles. The amount of the residual value guarantee, which has been included in the carrying value of lease liabilities, is CU 475,000 (2018 – CU 475,000). The lease was previously classified as finance type under IAS 17, therefore the estimate of the residual value guarantee was included in loans and other borrowings prior to the adoption of IFRS 16.
Many entities are expected to adopt one of the modified retrospective methods on first-time adoption of IFRS 16 lease accounting, which means that comparatives are not restated. Despite IFRS 16, paragraph C12 providing relief to lessees from disclosing of the impacts of the new accounting policies on each financial statement line item affected (IAS 8, paragraph 29(f)), many entities may wish to nevertheless include a reconciliation on 1 July 2019 (transition date) to explain adjustments made on transition to IFRS 16.
Lessees will also need to disclose their weighted average incremental borrowing rate applied to lease liabilities recognised in the balance sheet at transition date.
Lastly, lessees will need to include a reconciliation of movements between the operating lease commitment note disclosed at 30 June 2019 under IAS 17 Leases, and lease liabilities recognised on the balance sheet under IFRS 16 at date of initial application, 1 July 2019. For the purposes of the comparison, the lease commitments must be discounted using the same incremental borrowing rate used to determine the lease liabilities on 1 July 2019.
The following illustrates the types of items we would expect to see disclosed on the reconciliation:
$ | |
Minimum operating lease commitments - 30 June 2019 | xxx |
Less: | |
(xx) |
(xx) |
(xx) |
(xx) |
Add: | |
xx |
xx |
xx |
Effect of discounting using lessee’s incremental borrowing rate at 1 July 2019 | (xx) |
Leases previously classified as finance leases | xxx |
Lease liability at 1 July 2019 | xxxx |
Please contact BDO’s IFRS Advisory team if you require assistance preparing your lease accounting entries and disclosures. BDO has two possible solutions: BDO Lead which is a cloud-based lease management solution (SaaS) to help you manage the complexities in IFRS 16; and we also provide a lease manage outsourcing service (BDO Lease Management Services).