Digital Strategy Consulting

Delivering practical digital strategies to realise the potential of digital in your organisation

Navigating the technology landscape is becoming increasingly complex for organisations of all sizes. The speed of digital innovation brings a real risk of disruption to proven and successful organisations. As technology continues its rapid evolution, a structured technology strategy is vital to stay ahead of industry disruption.

Business leaders and executives must become highly aware of the threat of digital disruption and be ready to respond. Whether your strategy is defensive (to protect your existing business) or offensive (to exploit opportunities), BDO can help you plan and execute your digital transformation projects. 

Digital transformation isn’t a ‘one-off’ project – it is the new way of doing business. Leaders must embrace agility and embed the concepts of data, insights, prototyping, learning and refinement into the DNA of how the organisation competes in a rapidly changing environment. This includes the need to:

  • Systemise how an organisation assesses digital threats and opportunities through data analytics and insights
  • Determine a digital value proposition (how you can differentiate using digital)
  • Unlock the power of digital to drive business outcomes
  • Develop a digital transformation road map (how an organisation will make the required organisation change).

Does your business have a digital strategy?

BDO’s digital and technology team provides services which help your business maximise value and enable enhanced organisational performance through technology planning and digital strategy.


How BDO can help

Keeping organisations current in the constantly changing business environment

The community is demanding more flexibility and easier access to information, all while expecting better engagement from public service agencies and corporate organisations. Our philosophy is focused on community-centric design. Engaging early to understand priorities and needs helps with adoption down the line. Our team comprises both experienced industry specialists and hands-on digital architects who work collaboratively with our clients to map out a series of incremental advancements, set against a transformational vision of a more efficient, engaging, and approachable service delivery.  

Our experienced professionals work with CIOs, CDOs and IT executives together with your broader leadership and staff to define your digital strategy and ensure alignment with corporate and operational plan.

BDO's digital strategy consulting services

Digital and ICT strategies

Develop and execute a bespoke technology strategy that allows for successful digital transformation, identifying areas for growth and efficiency.  

Digital business cases

Detailing a costed and scheduled plan to achieve the future of an organisation, mapped against value delivered to the business.

IT operating models

Evaluating IT infrastructure and developing a strategic roadmap to transform the technology capabilities of an organisation. 

Digital and technology business requirements

Defining the functional, technology, reporting and insight capabilities required to meet future state needs. 

Strategic procurement and systems selection

Market engagement to identify and evaluate potential vendors and systems for your specific requirements. 

Contract and vendor negotiations and performance 

Managing the vendor negotiation process to save costs, improve terms, and build strong relationships, to ensure value and risk mitigation.

Digital transformation 

Adopting an ‘outside-in approach’ to digital business transformation, making active decisions based on real data. 

Customer experience design

Creating a favourable customer experience by focusing on a smooth, simple, customer centric digital approach.

Business capability models 

Understanding the current state of your organisation, and mapping where you need to be – connecting systems, processes, and people. 

The benefits of engaging BDO's digital strategy consultants

Businesses that engage BDO in their digital and technology planning experience a range of benefits that often set them apart from their competitors.

Organisation growth and improved efficiencies icon

Organisation growth and improved efficiencies

Improved customer experience and employee engagement icon

Improved customer experience and employee engagement

Aligned planning and governance icon

Aligned planning and governance that realises value and minimises disparate effort and wasted investment

Digital and technology FAQs

What is digital transformation?

At BDO we take the view that digital transformation is more than just adopting new technologies; it's about fundamentally reshaping how your organisation delivers value to your customers or clients. Whether it's streamlining internal processes, enhancing customer experiences,  unlocking new revenue streams, or enabling digital capabilities in your staff, our goal is to empower you to harness the full potential of digital in your organisation.

How does an organisation start a digital transformation project?

A thorough understanding of your current state is needed along with a strong business case to identify the opportunities, benefits, and outcomes that are sought.  Through this process we define the goals and use these constantly through the project to regularly evaluate the viability of achieving these.  Through BDO's support and experience, adjustments can be made throughout the process to react and respond to emerging situations.

How do we determine which digital platforms are best for our organisational needs?

BDO take a tailored approach to defining your functional requirements for a technology platform.  We work with you to prioritise these requirements and then engage the market with you.  We help facilitate the procurement process so that you can concentrate on evaluating.  Our capability and experience extends to assisting clients with negotiation, contract clarity, and vendor management.

What's involved in building a digital business case?

BDO work with you to tailor an approach to your needs that is aligned to your investment scale, risk faced and funding sources.

BDO has experience preparing rapid business cases in order to explore and align on possible options through to detailed business cases for large scale government technology projects.

We will often work with your digital leaders, wider leadership team, subject matter experts, end-users and employees to ensure all views are considered.

No matter the size or complexity, your BDO team brings a wide array of experience to provide insight and value fit to your needs.

Contact us

Contact our team to discuss your needs using the request for service form.
Alternatively, call 1300 138 991 to speak with an adviser in your nearest BDO office.

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