Michael Cassidy

Michael Cassidy

National Leader, Forensic Services

Financial Services | Government & Public Sector | Natural Resources | Not-For-Profit

Forensic Services | Risk Advisory Services


Michael is BDO Australia’s National Forensics Leader and Perth’s Forensics and Advisory Services Partner. He is highly regarded for his extensive experience working on high profile fraud investigations over a variety of industries.

He has forensic services experience which includes assisting clients by undertaking investigations into allegations of fraud and misconduct, the provision of fraud awareness training, developing of fraud control strategy’s and policies as well as undertaking fraud risk assessments. His expertise also covers internal audit and advisory services, particularly in the Government sector.

Previously, Michael worked for the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) in Western Australia where he undertook audit and performance examinations at a number of government agencies. During his time at the OAG, Michael was part of the team that undertook a World Bank governance project in Baku, Azerbaijan, assisting with the development and implementation of a risk-based audit methodology.

Michael was also as a Financial Investigator at the Australian Securities and Investment Commission, where he worked on a number of high profile matters relating to asset stripping and alleged fraud.

Through his roles and BDO and previous experience, Michael guides clients to manage their regulatory and compliance requirements, assisting them with the prevention, detection and response towards fraud and misconduct within their organisations.


  • Fraud Detection and Prevention
  • Fraud and Misconduct Investigations
  • Fraud Risk Assessments
  • Dispute Services and Litigation Support
  • Risk Management
  • Contract Management
  • Compliance
  • Corporate Governance


  • Energy and Mining
  • Financial Services
  • Federal, State and Local Government
  • Not for Profit
  • Utilities

Key Assignments

  • Internal audit and process reviews.
  • Identifying non-compliance, suspicious transaction, fictitious documents and indicators of possible fraud through forensic experience
  • Large government agencies contract reviews.
  • Managed, lead and performed:
    • Fraud risk engagements within a number of government agencies; and
    • Contract audits to provide assurance that operating expenses were valid and in accordance with contractual documentation.
  • Led an investigation including a detailed examination of transactional records to identify fraudulent transactions and transactions not compliant with company guidelines, policies and procedures. The output of this exercise quantified losses and determined avenues for recovery.


  • Bachelor of Business in Accounting and Finance
  • Diploma of Government Investigation
  • Diploma of Government Fraud Control
  • Diploma of Security and Risk Management
  • Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
  • Certificate III in Investigative Services
  • Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
  • Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS)


  • Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants
  • Licensed Investigator in Western Australia
  • Affiliate member, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ)