Solutions to thrive in a shifting sector
The pressures on Not-For-Profits are stronger than ever before, in a time of higher demand on services, tightening regulations and increasing expenses. The sector is rising to meet challenges with recruitment and volunteers, cyber threats and digital transformation, and reporting and compliance. With a team that is active across the sector, both professionally and personally, we understand what matters most to NFPs.
How BDO can help
Operating in the not-for-profit (NFP) sector presents many challenges. Change is constant and so too is the pressure to raise funds, understand and navigate government policies, and manage the changing demographics and expectations affecting NFPs daily. Integrated service delivery is the key element of BDO’s Not-For-Profit services - we identify opportunities and help implement solutions in a connected and considered way to make the most impact for you and your communities.
We provide advice on audit, tax and consulting services to a large number of organisations in the NFP sector, including community service providers, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) service providers, educational institutions, overseas aid organisations, healthcare, membership organisations, and sporting and community clubs.
Our team can assist your team with: