Watkins Steel
BDO's relationship with Watkins Steel is driven by the desire to build an innovative business that achieves great profitability and sustainability in a highly competitive marketplace.
Manufacturing is undergoing major transformation through a shift to digitalisation, big data, automation, and new materials. Global competition, energy costs, currency fluctuations, supply chain disruption and changing trade relationships all add further layers of complexity for Australia’s manufacturing and wholesale operators. At BDO, our specialists can guide you through the complexities and challenges of doing business in a global and often uncertain world.
The fourth industrial revolution, known as Industry 4.0, is rapidly integrating the physical with the digital, disrupting manufacturing with automation, digitalisation and new materials. This impacts products and supply chains, and pushes manufacturers to shift business models towards customer-centricity. You can see the impact of Industry 4.0 through society’s reliance on technology such as:
Currently, manufacturers operate a business-to-consumer (B2C) model, however, Industry 4.0 is shifting this to a customer-to-business (C2B) model, allowing businesses to create more personalised products and giving customers more control. As manufacturing connectivity grows, so, too, will the mega-data relating to how your business operates. With more data comes deeper customer insights, and that can make the road to Industry 4.0 seem overwhelming but, through ‘incrovation’ or incremental, iterative innovation and a holistic approach, manufacturers can adopt Industry 4.0 more readily.
With deep sector experience, we help manufacturers improve day-to-day business performance, manage risks and enable people to deliver on Industry 4.0 through the process of digital transformation. We work with you to adapt so that new ways of doing things becomes part of your DNA.
Whether it is providing strategic advice on operational efficiencies, conducting a supply chain review, or reviewing distribution models and inventory management, we can assist your manufacturing business to adopt Industry 4.0 principles for continued growth and improved customer experience.
BDO’s manufacturing group helps industry players adapt. Our specialists provide practical and strategic guidance by helping you identify and leverage key competencies in your manufacturing business.
We provide our full suite of audit and assurance, tax, business services, advisory and consulting services to manufacturers, distributors, retailers and wholesalers. Our specialised services for manufacturers include:
Our clients range from entrepreneurial and privately owned businesses to publicly listed companies, both in Australia and internationally. We have experience across a wide range of manufacturing sub-sectors:
Contact one of our manufacturing specialists to find out how we can help.
BDO’s International Trade team can help you leverage international trade networks, minimise tax liabilities and ensure compliance with legislative requirements.
Contact our team to help you identify opportunities and manage risk in your global supply chain.
Investing in R&D supports innovation and builds greater resilience to changing market conditions. For help maximising your access to R&D tax incentives, or to identify and apply for government grants relevant to your manufacturing business, contact a member of our R&D and government incentives team.
BDO's relationship with Watkins Steel is driven by the desire to build an innovative business that achieves great profitability and sustainability in a highly competitive marketplace.
When ATP Science looked to expand, Managing Directors, Jeff and Toni Doidge were introduced to BDO. BDO now works with ATP Science on their global expansion path, showcasing their world-class offerings as an Australian company on the world stage.
Ryan Pollett
Contact us
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Alternatively, call 1300 138 991 to speak with an adviser in your nearest BDO office.