Sustainability webinar series

In this webinar series, we aim to break the complex world of sustainability down into digestible pieces, so you can get on top of the fundamentals and start driving change in your organisation.

Join our complimentary series of webinars to learn more. 




31 January 2024
11:00am – 12:00pm AEDT
Latest Australian developments around sustainability, and looking ahead at 2024


28 February 2024
11:00am – 12:00pm AEDT
Activating sustainability at your organisation


27 March 2024
11:00am – 12:00pm AEDT
Developing a sustainability roadmap


24 April 2024
11:00am – 12:00pm AEST
Understanding carbon accounting and why it is important


29 May 2024
11:00am – 12:00pm AEST
Setting carbon targets and developing a decarbonisation strategy


26 June 2024
11:00am – 12:00pm AEST
The role of voluntary and mandatory sustainability reporting


31 July 2024
11:00am – 12:00pm AEST
Assessing climate-related risks and opportunities


28 August 2024
11:00am – 12:00pm AEST
Using climate-related scenario analysis to assess climate resilience


25 September 2024
11:00am – 12:00pm AEST
A focus on processes and policies to manage climate-related risks


30 October 2024
11:00am – 12:00pm AEDT
Understanding relevant climate-related metrics


27 November 2024
11:00am – 12:00pm AEDT
Setting climate-related targets


18 December 2024
11:00am – 12:00pm AEDT
Climate-related disclosures in Australia 


Past events




26 July 2023
11:00am – 12:00pm AEST
GHG Protocol – Setting the organisational and operational boundaries


30 August 2023
11:00am – 12:00pm AEST
GHG Protocol - Measuring scope 1 emissions


27 September 2023
11:00am – 12:00pm AEST
GHG Protocol - Measuring scope 2 emissions


25 October 2023
11:00am – 12:00pm AEDT
GHG Protocol - Measuring scope 3 emissions – Part 1


30 November 2023
11:00am – 12:00pm AEDT
GHG Protocol - Measuring scope 3 emissions – Part 2


14 December 2023
11:00am – 12:00pm AEDT
GHG Protocol – Exploring decarbonisation strategies 




Sustainability spotlight: UNSDGs and WEF IBC 

Join us as we place our first spotlight on these two popular sustainability frameworks. We’ll kick off our 2023 sustainability webinar series with a look at the United Nations (UN) 17 Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs, and the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) sustainability reporting framework, as prescribed by its International Business Council (IBC).  


Addressing your carbon footprint

Calculating a carbon footprint can seem like an insurmountable task. In this session, we will take a practical look at calculating a carbon footprint, the difference between scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, the processes your business might need to consider, and considerations when making an emissions reduction plan. We’ll also explore some emerging strategies your organisation might need to consider, like the electrification of everything.


Sustainability spotlight: TCFD and ISSB

Adoption of the Task Force for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) is on the rise. And it’s also the underlying principle on which the International Sustainability Standards Board’s (ISSB’s) developing standards are based.  

In this session, we will place the practical use of the TCFDs in the spotlight and look at how the ISSB standards are developing. We will also unpack the growing expectations for assurance over sustainability reporting and what that could mean for businesses.   


Getting the Board on board – the business case for sustainability

With stakeholder demands for sustainability reporting on the rise, and growing expectations for sustainability assurance, organisations that develop a sustainability strategy can find it a competitive advantage. But how do you get the leadership team on board? Join us as we explore the business case for sustainability, looking at its potential for long-term value in reputation, risk and opportunity management, culture, and employer value proposition.


Sustainability spotlight: GRI Standards

According to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the GRI Standards are the world’s most widely used standards for sustainability reporting. We will explore this modular set of standards and delve into how you might adapt them to your business.   


Approaching 30 June and your sustainability report

As we approach the end of the financial year, you will no doubt be looking to pull together the last pieces of your sustainability plans. In this webinar, we will look at the steps you can take to prepare to develop your FY23 sustainability report. 



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Demystifying the ESG process

This webinar examines the impact ESG is having on organisations and will provide guidance for those embarking on their ESG journey. We will look at the nature of the business problem created by ESG, as well as the risks and opportunities associated with a commitment to act.

We will share examples of how some organisations have chosen to approach the issue – what commitments they make, how they measure performance and what formats they choose to communicate progress.

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ASSESS: Establish a roadmap and start the current state assessment

Conducting a desktop review of current policies and procedures, identifying what is already in place and how it might demonstrate pre-existing ESG commitments. We will also consider appropriate reporting frameworks for your organisation’s ESG reporting requirements and examine the growing popularity of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB).


PRIORITISE: Materiality assessments and stakeholder engagement

This webinar looks at how to effectively engage stakeholders, both internally and externally. It examines the factors that drive value when conducting materiality assessments, including which stakeholders to engage, what issues to raise with them, how to address the relevancy of their responses and what you can do to influence outcomes.  

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MEASURE: Calculate your ESG maturity

Understanding how to calculate the current level of ESG maturity across a business is critical to setting a ‘baseline’ from which to improve. We also examine how to determine gaps between current performance and desired future state, so you can identify initiatives required to cross the ‘maturity gap’.

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REPORT: Preparing and finalising your Sustainability Report

Pulling it all together can be a challenge. We examine how to put your best ESG foot forward on your corporate reports, including agreeing format and content, developing drafts, gathering feedback and managing stakeholder expectations.

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Assurance over your ESG report

As ESG reporting standards mature and converge, how will you continue to satisfy growing stakeholder expectations that your reporting is robust, accurate and paints a true picture of your performance?


Decarbonisation 101

The impact humans are having on the global climate is rapidly increasing in significance for citizens, organisations and governments around the world.

In Decarbonisation 101, we’ll take an introductory look at what decarbonisation is, highlight some of the market conditions to be aware of, and discuss why your organisation needs to develop a carbon reduction plan. We’ll provide a practical approach to the steps you can start to take, as well as the road signs to look out for as you mature your strategy.

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ESG-linked remuneration

As the concept of ‘good corporate citizenry’ continues to evolve, Boards and Directors need to view company success in more ways than just profit and reputation. With sustainability and broader stakeholder demands playing pivotal roles in company strategy, more organisations are looking to link executive reward structures with ESG (that is, environmental, social and governance matters).

Join us for a discussion about the rise of ESG-linked remuneration, its challenges, and the opportunities for Boards and Directors to establish meaningful and appropriate targets and rewards.

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ESG due diligence

Investors and lenders alike are increasing the scrutiny they place on company ESG practices to support more informed, strategic investment decisions. When run alongside the traditional financial due diligence, a sound ESG due diligence process can create greater value for portfolio companies, investors and stakeholders more broadly.

So how do you make sure your ESG due diligence adds value to any acquisition process, or that you put your best foot forward if your organisation is the subject of ESG due diligence? In this webinar, we’ll delve into the process, the opportunities and risks to consider, and the benefits for all parties.


To learn more about how BDO Australia can help your organisation, contact us today.