In May 2019, the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) issued Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting (the new Conceptual Framework).
The new Conceptual Framework applies to periods beginning on or after 1 January 2020.
Australian Accounting Standards and Interpretations govern the accounting for many types of transactions and balances. Where there are ‘gaps’, AASB 108 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors, paragraph 10 requires management to apply judgement in developing an appropriate accounting policy. In making this judgement, where Australian Accounting Standards do not deal with similar and related issues, paragraph 11(b) requires management to then refer to the definitions, recognition criteria and measurement concepts for assets, liabilities, income and expenses laid out in the new Conceptual Framework.
As the new Conceptual Framework is different to its predecessor, entities looking to the new Conceptual Framework to develop accounting policies under AASB 108, paragraph 11(b) will need to take note of the:
The new Conceptual Framework applies to ‘reporting entities’, which paragraph 3.10 describes as effectively being all entities that are required, or choose, to prepare financial statements.
A reporting entity is an entity that is required, or chooses, to prepare financial statements. A reporting entity can be a single entity or a portion of an entity or can comprise more than one entity. A reporting entity is not necessarily a legal entity.
Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, paragraph 3.10This is different to the concept of a ‘reporting entity’ in SAC 1 Definition of a Reporting Entity, which currently permits the preparation of special purpose financial statements if users are not dependent on general purpose financial statements for information to make and evaluate resource allocation decisions.
Without any Australian-specific amendment, all entities that are required, or choose to prepare, financial statements in Australia would be required to apply the new Conceptual Framework because they would be considered ‘reporting entities’.
This means that special purpose financial statements would no longer be permitted for entities:
As part of its phased approach in scrapping special purpose financial statements, the AASB has therefore limited application of the new Conceptual Framework to only the following types of for-profit entities:
This scope limitation is effective for periods beginning on or after 1 January 2020 by:
In addition to entities whose debt or equity instruments are traded in a public market (or are in the process of issuing such instruments for trading in a public market), AASB 1053 Application of Tiers of Australian Accounting Standards (as amended by AASB 2019-1) clarifies that publicly accountable entities are those that hold assets in a fiduciary capacity for a broad range of outsiders as one of its primary businesses. These are likely to include banks, credit unions, insurance companies, securities brokers/dealers, mutual funds and investment banks.
The following types of entities that hold assets in a fiduciary capacity, but are doing so for reasons incidental to the primary business, are not automatically publicly accountable:
AASB 2019-1 also makes consequential amendments to various Australian Accounting Standards and Interpretations to update references and quotations so that they refer to the new Conceptual Framework rather than the old.